After a holiday relocation to Raleigh, you might have a few extra pounds you want to say goodbye to, due to the holiday treats and general stress of a move. To help make your fitness goals a reality, here’s a list of fitness ideas in the Raleigh area that might also help you get acquainted with your new city.
NC State Carmichael Complex
Reserved for students and people affiliated with North Carolina State, the Carmichael Complex is one of the most state-of-the-art gyms for the lowest yearly prices. They offer group fitness classes, a climbing wall, and an aquatic center. If you are new to the fitness and wellness world, they also have personal trainers and wellness outreach programs available to members.
Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Joining an adult athletic team gives you fun and accountability for keeping in shape. The Raleigh Parks and Recreation hosts adult kickball and softball teams throughout the year at a very low price. In addition to getting some exercise, it’s a great way to meet people so you won’t be the new kid on the block.
North Carolina Roadrunners Club
By joining this club, you have access to train and race in the many races the Roadrunners host throughout the year. They have many subgroups that can fit your athletic abilities or personal preferences, like the Women’s Running Club. The Roadrunners Club is a great way to share stories, tips on training, and make new friends.
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