Durham, North Carolina is one of the premier cultural crossroads of the South, and has gained a widespread reputation for being a friendly, fun, and sophisticated city. More and more people are relocating to the region, and using a Durham mover can make getting settled in a lot easier.
Each spring, the entire Durham community gets together to raise funds for local charities through an event called, “The Doughman”, a four-part race that concludes with a range of local cuisines. Each race has its own menu, and there are vegan and vegetarian options. The race is broken down as follows:
A. The Swimming Leg. This is actually a run, followed by a water-based activity. Afterward participants eat lots of good food.
B. The Bike Leg. Again, as in the first leg, there is yummy food at the end of the race, provided by local restaurants.
C. Running Leg 1 (Long). A 2½ mile run that ends with food.
D. Running Leg 2 (Short). A 1¾ mile run that ends with food.
This year’s event is slated for May 25, and the goal is to raise $60,000 for the Durham Public School’s Hub Farm.
(Photo attributed to Flickr member @Ronbo1 via the Creative Commons license.)
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